What are the Top 10 Medical Errors?

October 31, 2024 | By Gallagher & Kennedy Injury Lawyers
What are the Top 10 Medical Errors?

We expect to get better when we go to the doctor or hospital. But sometimes, things don't go as planned. Medical errors can happen and have major impacts on patients' lives. This article will examine some of the most frequent mistakes in healthcare settings. We'll explore these errors, why they happen, and how they affect patients. We'll also discuss the role of medical malpractice lawyers in helping those who these errors have harmed.

Medication Errors

One of the most common medical errors involves medications. These mistakes can happen in different ways. Sometimes, a doctor might prescribe the wrong medicine. Other times, healthcare providers administer the correct medication but in the wrong dosage. Medication errors can also occur when two or more drugs don't work well together. For example, a healthcare provider might prescribe a medication that interacts poorly with another drug the patient takes. This can lead to unexpected side effects or health problems. In some cases, these mix-ups can be very serious, causing lasting harm or even risking a patient's life. Medication errors can happen for many reasons. Doctors might be in a rush and not check a patient's full medical history. Pharmacists might misread a prescription. Nurses might give the wrong dose by mistake. Whatever the cause, these errors can have big consequences for patients.

Missed or Wrong Diagnoses

Medical errors are shown using a text in the book and photo of stethoscope Another major problem in healthcare is when doctors miss a health issue or get the diagnosis wrong. This means the healthcare provider gives the wrong treatment or treats the patient for a condition they don't have. Sometimes, doctors do not recognize the signs of a serious illness and think a patient's symptoms are caused by something less serious. This can lead to delays in getting the right treatment. In some cases, by the time the real problem is found, it might be harder to treat. Other times, a doctor might diagnose a patient with the wrong condition. This can lead to unnecessary treatments that don't help and might even cause harm. It can also mean the real health issue goes untreated, possibly worsening over time. These errors can happen for many reasons. Sometimes, doctors are overworked and don't spend enough time with each patient. They might not order the right tests or might misinterpret test results. In some cases, doctors might mistake rare conditions for more common ones.

Anesthesia Issues

Anesthesia is used to keep patients comfortable during surgery. However, if it is not done right, it can lead to serious problems. Anesthesia errors can happen before, during, or after an operation. One type of anesthesia error is giving too much or too little. Too much can lead to breathing problems or even brain damage. Too little might mean a patient feels pain during surgery or wakes up when they shouldn't. Another issue is not properly checking a patient's medical history. Some people might react badly to certain types of anesthesia, and if doctors don't know about allergies or other health issues, they might use the wrong kind of anesthesia. Sometimes, equipment used for anesthesia may malfunction, leading to complications during surgery. These issues can range from insufficient pain relief to more serious problems. In rare instances, patients may even regain consciousness during the operation, which can be both frightening and traumatic, potentially causing long-term emotional and psychological effects.

Surgical Errors

Sometimes, things go wrong in the operating room. These surgical errors can have serious consequences for patients. One of the scariest surgical errors is operating on the wrong body part. For example, a surgeon might operate on the left knee when the right knee needs surgery. This might sound hard to believe, but it does happen sometimes. Another problem is when surgeons leave things inside a patient's body. Tools, sponges, or other items used during the operation. These left-behind objects can cause pain, infections, or other health issues. Sometimes, doctors perform surgeries that aren't necessary. This might happen if a doctor misreads test results or mixes up patient records. Unnecessary surgeries put patients at risk for no good reason. Surgical errors can happen for many reasons. Sometimes, there's poor communication between different members of the surgical team. Other times, doctors might be tired or distracted. Whatever the cause, these mistakes can impact patients' lives.

Infections from Healthcare Settings

When people go to hospitals or clinics, they expect to get better. But sometimes, they end up getting new infections while they're there. These are called healthcare-associated infections. These infections can happen in different ways. Sometimes, germs spread because healthcare workers don't wash their hands well enough between patients. Other times, equipment that's supposed to be clean might have germs on it. Some common healthcare-associated infections include urinary tract infections, bloodstream infections, and pneumonia. These can be especially dangerous for people who are already sick or have weak immune systems. Preventing these infections is a big challenge for hospitals and clinics. They need to make sure everything is clean and that all staff follow proper hygiene rules. When these infections happen, they can make patients sicker and force them to stay in the hospital longer.

Patient Falls

Falls are a big problem in healthcare settings, especially for older patients or those with trouble moving around. These falls can lead to injuries like broken bones, head injuries, or cuts and bruises. Falls can happen for many reasons. Sometimes, patients might be weak from their illness or from the medicines they're taking. They might try to get out of bed on their own when they need help. Other times, things in the room, like cords or slippery floors, might make it easy to trip. Hospitals and nursing homes are supposed to assess each patient's risk of falling and implement safety measures for those who are likely to fall. These might include special beds, alarms, or having staff check on patients more often. When these precautions aren't taken, falls are more likely to happen.

Lab Test Troubles

Many medical decisions are based on lab tests, which examine blood, urine, or tissue samples. However, sometimes, mistakes happen with these tests. One problem is when samples get mixed up. This might mean that one patient gets another patient's test results. This can lead to wrong diagnoses or unnecessary treatments. Another issue arises when healthcare providers perform tests incorrectly. This might give false results, saying there's a problem when there isn't or missing a real health issue. Sometimes, healthcare providers might misread or incorrectly report test results. Lab errors can have serious effects on patient care. They might lead to missed diagnoses, unnecessary treatments, or delays in getting the right care. In some cases, these mistakes might not be caught for a long time, allowing health problems to get worse.

Before any medical treatment, patients should be informed about the risks and benefits. They should have the chance to ask questions and decide whether to proceed. This is called informed consent. Sometimes, doctors might not explain things well enough. They might use words that are hard to understand or not mention all the possible risks. Other times, they might be in a rush and not give patients enough time to think things over. In some cases, doctors might ask patients to make decisions when they are not in a suitable state. They might be in too much pain or affected by medicines that make it hard to think clearly. When doctors fail to obtain proper consent, patients might receive treatments they don't want or fully understand. This can cause harm and can also be against the law.

Equipment Problems

Modern healthcare relies heavily on machines and devices. These can include heart monitors, breathing machines, or devices used in surgery. When this equipment doesn't work properly, it can endanger patients. Sometimes, machines give wrong readings, which may make doctors think a patient is doing better or worse than they really are. Other times, equipment might stop working during important procedures. Equipment problems can happen for different reasons. Sometimes, the devices themselves might be faulty. Other times, staff might not maintain the equipment properly or lack adequate training to use it correctly. Medical equipment failure can result in incorrect treatments, overlooked conditions, or even direct patient harm. Such errors are particularly hazardous during critical situations, like emergencies or surgeries, where timely and accurate interventions are essential. A malfunctioning device can delay care, lead to misdiagnosis, or cause severe complications, putting the patient's health and safety at serious risk. In extreme cases, these failures can have life-threatening consequences or result in long-term disability.

Communication Breakdowns

Good communication is key in healthcare. Doctors, nurses, and other staff must share information clearly and accurately. When communication breaks down, it can lead to serious mistakes. One problem is when important information is not passed along between different healthcare providers. For example, a nurse might notice something important about a patient but forget to tell the doctor. A focused nurse individual might change a patient's treatment plan but not inform the primary care doctor. Another issue is when healthcare providers don't communicate well with patients and their families. They might use medical terms that are hard to understand or not explain things fully, which can lead to misunderstandings about treatments or care instructions. Communication errors can happen for many reasons. Sometimes, healthcare settings are busy and chaotic, making it hard to share information. Other times, language barriers or cultural differences might make communication difficult. When communication breaks down, it can lead to many problems. Patients may receive incorrect treatments or fail to have critical health issues addressed, which can have serious and potentially life-threatening consequences for their health and safety.

The Role of Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Judge's gavel on law textbook, symbolizing forensic medicine, legal investigation, and justice. When medical errors happen, they can have big impacts on patients and their families. People might face extra medical bills, lost income, or long-term health problems. In some cases, these errors can even lead to death. This is where medical malpractice lawyers come in. These lawyers help people whose medical mistakes have harmed them. They work to get compensation for the damages caused by these errors. Medical malpractice attorneys know both law and medicine. They can examine medical records to determine whether errors were made. They can also work with medical professionals to understand what went wrong and how it affected the patient. These lawyers can help in many ways. They can negotiate with hospitals or insurance companies to get fair compensation. If needed, they can take cases to court to fight for their client's rights. You should talk to a medical malpractice lawyer if a medical error has harmed you. They can explain your rights and options. They can guide you through the process of seeking justice and compensation. Remember, medical errors can be complicated. It's not always immediately clear if a mistake occurred or who is responsible. A medical malpractice attorney can investigate the situation and help figure out what happened. These lawyers usually offer free initial consultations. You can talk to them about your case without paying anything upfront. They can guide you in deciding if your case is worth pursuing. If you decide to proceed with a case, most medical malpractice lawyers work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if they successfully win your case. This arrangement can make it significantly easier for individuals to pursue justice, even if they lack the financial resources to afford upfront legal fees, ensuring access to representation regardless of their financial situation.

Don't Wait to Seek Help from a Medical Malpractice Lawyer

If you think you or a loved one has been affected by a medical error, don't wait to seek help. Talk to a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. They can assist in clarifying your situation and guide you through the process of seeking compensation. Remember, seeking help from a lawyer doesn't just benefit you. It can also lead to changes that make healthcare safer for everyone. By speaking up and holding healthcare providers accountable, you can help prevent similar errors from happening to others in the future.