Phoenix Veterans Administration Lawyer

Getting medical care as a military veteran should be safe, simple and cost-effective. Arizona has several Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals available that offer special benefits such as some free health services to eligible patients. Unfortunately, local VA hospitals do not always provide patient care by the books.

When a VA hospital engages in acts of malpractice, such as failure to diagnose or surgical errors, patients can suffer life-threatening injuries. If you or a loved one suffered injuries while receiving care through the Veterans Administration, the Phoenix Veterans Administration lawyers at Gallagher & Kennedy can help. Our medical malpractice lawyers may be able to file a medical malpractice lawsuit against the VA in Arizona on your behalf.

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Why We Are Right for You

  • Our Phoenix personal injury lawyers have more than four decades of experience handling all matters of personal injury law, including extensive experience with medical malpractice torts.
  • We are the premier plaintiffs’ practice in Arizona, with longstanding clients ranging from professional sports teams to injured individuals.
  • We help Arizona’s veterans by offering our services primarily on a contingency fee basis. If we are unsuccessful, you will not pay.

When To Hire an Veterans Administration Attorney

A claim against the Veterans Administration for injuries you suffered at a local VA hospital can be difficult to win alone. A lawsuit against the government comes with special rules and filing requirements. The VA also has significant legal resources to put toward fighting your claim and denying liability for injuries. The Phoenix injury attorneys at Gallagher & Kennedy know how to negotiate fair and full settlements with government agencies such as the VA. We also have the trial experience to take your case to court if necessary for a better outcome.

How To Bring a Claim Against the Department of Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs is a government entity. Under the Arizona Tort Claims Act, however, this does not protect the VA from all liability. The Tort Claims Act states that a government agency could be legally responsible for a victim’s damages if the agency or one of its employees acted negligently and caused the injuries. If you suffered harm because of medical malpractice at a VA hospital, for example, you could have grounds for a lawsuit.

  1. Submit an administrative claim with the regional VA office.
  2. Wait at least six months to hear a response from the agency.
  3. File a lawsuit in a district court if you receive a denial.
  4. Negotiate a settlement if the VA accepts your claim.
  5. Use an attorney to help you take the VA to trial, if necessary.

You have 180 days from the date of your injury to file your initial administrative claim with the VA. Your claim should include a description of what happened, who caused your injuries (a physician, nurse, surgeon, etc.) and the dollar amount you are claiming in damages. It should also include facts supporting your claim, such as medical bills proving your economic losses. A Phoenix VA lawyer from Gallagher & Kennedy could help you bring a medical malpractice claim against a VA hospital in Arizona.

Contact our Phoenix VA Lawyers Today

Refusing to care for a patient because of the inability to pay, making emergency room errors, operating on the wrong patient or prescribing the incorrect drug could all lead to serious or fatal patient injuries. It is important to protect your rights as a patient after suffering an injury due to the negligence of a Veterans Administration health care center or employee in Arizona.

VA hospitals typically have legal teams to help them escape liability for patient harm. Going up against a VA hospital in pursuit of financial compensation by yourself could lead to a denied claim, low settlement offer or delayed payout. Gallagher & Kennedy’s Phoenix personal injury attorneys can represent your interests as a plaintiff in a claim against the VA. Contact us today for a free consultation. Call (602) 530-8400.

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