Phoenix Roof Crush and Rollover Accident Lawyer

A rollover accident can be terrifying for vehicle occupants. Rollovers are some of the most serious car accidents on roadways in Phoenix, Arizona, especially when they involve a roof crushing inward. If you suffered severe injuries or a loved one died in a car accident, a Phoenix roof crush and rollover accident lawyer at Gallagher & Kennedy may be able to help you recover financially. Please contact us for a free rollover or roof crush accident case review. Our Phoenix car accident lawyers can answer your questions as to liability, damages available, time limits and more.

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Why Choose Us?

  • We know results matter. Since 1978, our Phoenix car accident lawyers have been 100% committed to fighting for fair results on behalf of injured clients. Our auto accident attorneys work hard to win maximum compensation.
  • We represent the little people. We know how hard it can be to bring a claim against major corporations such as vehicle manufacturers in rollover accident claims as a victim. We are here to provide legal support and time-tested litigation strategies.
  • We have outstanding resources. We have worked our way up in the industry to our standing as the sixth-largest law firm in Arizona, complete with exceptional resources to support your claim. Despite our size, we offer personal, face-to-face client care.

Do You Need a Rollover Accident Attorney?

A rollover or roof crush accident could cause significant personal injuries. You or a loved one could suffer injuries that take you out of work and cost thousands of dollars in medical expenses. You could risk accepting less than your injuries demand from an insurance company without legal representation. Hiring a rollover accident lawyer from Gallagher & Kennedy, on the other hand, means an attorney will represent you and negotiate for fair compensation on your behalf. If you suffered life-changing injuries or a family member died in a rollover crash in Phoenix, you deserve an attorney’s assistance during an insurance claim.

Do You Know What Caused Your Rollover Accident?

Determining the cause of your crash is a must if you wish to file an insurance claim for an auto accident in Arizona. Like most states, Arizona obeys fault laws when dealing with auto accident cases. You or your Phoenix auto accident attorney must determine fault before filing your insurance claim. Fault for a rollover accident could rest with one or multiple parties depending on the cause of your crash.

  • A driver. If another driver was negligent, drowsy, intoxicated or reckless and collided into you or otherwise caused your rollover crash, the driver could owe you compensation.
  • A vehicle manufacturer. Some manufacturers make mistakes while designing and creating vehicles that contribute to rollovers and roof crush accidents. Examples include defective tires that blowout, high centers of gravity and weak structures. These defects could lead to product liability claims.
  • The government. Roadway defects such as potholes could cause rollover accidents. In these situations, the state or city government responsible for maintaining the roadway could be at fault if it negligently failed to repair the issue.

If you do not know what caused your accident, or believe a second party could also share fault for worsening your injuries, speak to a Phoenix personal injury attorney from Gallagher & Kennedy. We can fully investigate your car accident and help you gather proof of another party’s fault, if available. Then, we can assist you with filing a claim against the correct party for damages in Phoenix.

Contact a Rollover Accident Lawyer in Phoenix Today

Common injuries a victim could suffer in roof crush and rollover auto accidents include broken and shattered bones, head injuries, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, limb amputations, internal organ damage, and many other serious injuries. It is important to contact an attorney to discuss your rights and options if you were recently in a rollover crash. You could be eligible for compensation from a driver, a vehicle manufacturer or another party. Contact us online or call a Phoenix rollover accident lawyer at (602) 530-8400 today for a free consultation.

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