Phoenix Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers

Did you get hurt in a car accident involving a drunk driver in Phoenix? Drunk driving accidents can be physically and financially devastating. You might be suffering from life-changing injuries and wondering who will pay for your treatment. If so, you should know that you could be eligible for money from a drunk driving accident injury claim.

At Gallagher & Kennedy, our trusted drunk driving injury lawyers provide smart and effective legal services for everyday people and families in Phoenix. We’re here to stand by your side as you work to hold the drunk driver responsible and demand compensation for your losses. Keep reading or contact our Phoenix personal injury lawyers for a free initial case review to learn more.

Why Choose Gallagher & Kennedy?

If you got hurt in an accident involving a drunk driver, you need and deserve skilled legal representation. Even if the police arrested and charged the drunk driver, the criminal charges against them won’t get you compensation for your injuries. In fact, a successful conviction of the drunk driver does not even guarantee the success of your personal injury claim.

When you file a personal injury claim against a drunk driver, you must prove that they were at fault for your injuries, whether or not they face criminal charges. You probably sustained severe crash injuries that require costly treatment and time away from work. That means you likely have an expensive injury claim, which the at-fault party’s insurance company will not pay without a fight.

At Gallagher & Kennedy, our Phoenix drunk driving accident lawyers have been helping injury victims like you since 1978. Our team boasts more than 210 years of combined legal experience, so we know what it takes to hold drunk drivers and other at-fault parties accountable.

Here are some examples of our successful case results involving drunk driving accident victims in Phoenix:

  • $1 million settlement for a cyclist who suffered drunk driving accident injuries
  • $1.25 million settlement for the family of a man who died in an accident involving a drunk driver and an at-fault club that served the driver
  • $1.8 million settlement for wrongful deaths arising from a drunk driving accident involving an intoxicated minor and an at-fault club that served the minor

We are all too familiar with the devastating consequences of drunk driving accidents, and our attorneys are ready to pursue justice on your behalf. We will work tirelessly to demand the money you need for your recovery, whether that means representing you at the negotiating table or in a court of law. Your case is our cause.

When you’re ready to discuss your drunk driving accident case with a knowledgeable injury lawyer, don’t hesitate to contact our firm. Our initial consultations are always free, and we can take on your case at no upfront cost to you. We are happy to speak with you virtually, by phone, or in person at our Phoenix office in the Biltmore District, right by The Esplanade. Let us handle the claim process for you while you take the time you need to bounce back from this dreadful ordeal.

Compensation for Drunk Driving Accident Claims

Every drunk driving accident case is different, and numerous factors will affect the value of your unique injury claim. The more severe your crash injuries and the greater impact they have on your life, the more money you can generally seek in compensation.

When our attorneys help you file a successful drunk driving accident claim, you could receive monetary compensation for the following types of collision-related losses:

  • Hospital bills and medical expenses from the treatment of your crash injuries
  • Incidental expenses, such as out-of-pocket travel costs for medical appointments
  • Reduced income from any time you miss work due to your crash injuries
  • Projected losses in your future earning potential, if you suffer permanent injuries
  • Subjective losses, such as injury-related pain, suffering, and lost quality of life
  • Repair or replacement expenses for crash-related damage to your vehicle

The drunk driver’s egregious behavior was not your fault, and you don’t deserve to shoulder the financial consequences of their poor decisions. Let the drunk driving accident attorneys at Gallagher & Kennedy fight for what’s fair.

Phoenix Drunk Driving Accident Facts and Statistics

NTL-top-100-member-bUnder Arizona law, it is illegal to drive any vehicle when you have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or while you’re under the influence of alcohol to any degree. The law prohibits commercial drivers from driving with a BAC of 0.04 or higher and prohibits drivers under 21 from driving with any amount of alcohol in their systems.

Unfortunately, drivers break Arizona DUI laws every day.

Statistics from the Arizona Department of Transportation illustrate just how common and devastating alcohol-related crashes are statewide:

  • During one recent year, there were 5,620 alcohol-related crashes throughout Arizona, or roughly 15 DUI crashes a day.
  • That year, alcohol-related crashes accounted for 4.6 percent of all crashes and 20.6 percent of all fatal crashes statewide.
  • As a result of all the alcohol-related crashes in Arizona that year, there were 3,609 reported injuries, up 24.5 percent from the year before.
  • Also that year, 243 people died in alcohol-related crashes throughout Arizona, up 6.6 percent from the year before.
  • Of all alcohol-related crashes that year, 84.02 percent occurred in urban areas.
  • Alcohol-related crashes reportedly peaked between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m.
  • The leading types of alcohol-related crashes that year were rear-end crashes (41.4 percent), sideswipe crashes (15.9 percent), angle-impact crashes (15.4 percent), left-turn crashes (9.8 percent), and head-on crashes (8.1 percent).
  • In the city of Phoenix alone, there were 1,429 alcohol-related crashes that year, representing roughly 3.5 percent of all crashes citywide.
  • As a result of all the alcohol-related crashes in Phoenix that year, 872 people reported crash injuries, and 49 people died.

Types of Drunk Driving Accidents and Drunk Driving Accident Injuries

Alcohol impairs critical safe driving abilities like depth perception, reaction time, critical thinking, and short-term memory recall.

If a driver gets behind the wheel of a car while under the intoxicating influence of alcohol, they are prone to cause the following types of accidents:

Many drunk driving accidents occur at high speeds because intoxicated drivers fail to control their acceleration or stop in time to avoid a crash.

When these devastating high-speed accidents occur, drunk driving crash victims suffer injuries like:

Filing an Insurance Claim After a Drunk Driving Accident

Filing a claim against a drunk driver’s insurance company after a drunk driving accident is tricky. Arizona requires all drivers to carry auto liability insurance, which pays for injuries and property damage costs when the policyholder causes an accident. In theory, this means you should be eligible for compensation from the drunk driver’s insurance provider since the person they insure caused the accident that harmed you.

In practice, some insurance companies will argue that drinking and driving is an example of intentional behavior, and liability insurance policies do not cover intentional accidents. An insurance company might try to deny its responsibility to cover your injuries because its policyholder (the drunk driver) knew or should have known that drinking and driving was highly dangerous and likely to cause an accident yet chose to do it anyway.

Of course, this is a terrible reason to withhold compensation from an innocent victim of the drunk driver’s bad behavior. Getting behind the wheel after drinking is certainly a choice, but few drunk drivers purposely cause accidents. If the insurance company refuses to accept liability for your crash-related losses after a drunk driving accident, our attorneys will work to demonstrate the drunk driver’s lack of intent. We’ll pursue fair compensation for your accident-related medical bills and other expenses.

In some cases, we could also help you seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are a special type of compensation available in lawsuits involving intentionally malicious or extremely reckless behavior. This type of compensation is not available in a settlement but only through a court’s ruling.

Punitive damages aim to punish wrongdoers rather than compensate victims for specific losses, though the money awards do go to victims. In the rare event of a punitive damage award, the drunk driver’s insurance company should pay the punitive damages unless the relevant liability policy excludes them.

Regardless of the types and amounts of compensation you request in your claim, you will need a strong case and compelling evidence to get the money you are due. Having a knowledgeable and diligent advocate on your side is the best way to show the insurance company that you refuse to settle for less than you deserve.

If the insurance company will not play ball or the drunk driver has no insurance, our Phoenix injury attorneys won’t shy away from taking your case to trial. We will help you explore all possible avenues to demand justice and fair compensation for what happened to you.

What to Do if a Phoenix Drunk Driving Accident Hurts You

Bob Boatman Personal Injury Attorney

Phoenix Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer, Bob Boatman

If you sustained injuries in a drunk driving accident in Phoenix, chances are you already saw a doctor. If you haven’t, be sure to seek medical attention right away. Not only will this help your body to heal, but it will also ensure that your crash injuries become part of your permanent medical records, which are essential for your injury claim.

Once you are in a stable condition, you can take the following additional steps to protect your legal rights and lay a strong foundation for your case:

  • Follow your doctor’s care plan and attend follow-up appointments as necessary.
  • Gather evidence from the crash scene, including photos of the wreckage, contact and insurance details from the drunk driver, and statements from eyewitnesses.
  • Hang on to medical bills, proof of income, and other crash-related documents.
  • Start a “pain journal” to record the day-to-day details of your recovery journey.
  • Watch what you say to the drunk driver, the insurance company, and any other third parties before you discuss your injury claim with an attorney.
  • Avoid sharing any information or photos online while your claim is pending.
  • Contact our knowledgeable drunk driving accident lawyers for dependable support.

Phoenix Drunk Driving Accident FAQs

Here are some straightforward answers to our most frequently asked questions about drunk driving accidents in Phoenix, AZ:

What If I Was Partially At Fault For The Accident?

Under Arizona’s doctrine of pure comparative negligence, you can still receive money from a personal injury claim if you contributed to the drunk driving accident in some way.

How Long Do I Have To File a Drunk Driving Lawsuit in Arizona?

Arizona law gives you just two years from the date of the drunk driving accident to file a personal injury lawsuit against the drunk driver. This two-year time limit is important even if you never intend to sue because your ability to file a lawsuit is your main source of leverage during insurance settlement talks.

How long will it take to settle my injury claim?

It depends. Some cases settle in a matter of weeks, while others take months or longer.

The timeline for your drunk driving accident claim will vary depending on:

  • The severity and healing time of your crash injuries
  • Whether you suffer permanent impairments
  • How the crash affects your ability to work
  • Whether you will need medical care in the future
  • How your injuries affect your future earning capacity
  • The specifics of the applicable insurance policies

Contact a Drunk Driving Accident Attorney in Phoenix, AZ

If you have questions about your legal options after a drunk driving accident injured you in Phoenix, contact our Phoenix personal injury lawyers at (602) 530-8400 as soon as possible. We can provide the answers you need and evaluate your case for free during an initial consultation session.

Client Testimonial

“Matt Boatman and his team went to bat for me. I was in good hands through the entire process. Highly recommend!”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ -Stephanie Mariani

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Gallagher & Kennedy – Phoenix Office

2575 E Camelback Rd, Suite 1100
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Tel: (602) 530-8400