Phoenix Brain Injury Lawyer

If you or a close family member suffered a brain injury in an accident in Arizona, the Phoenix catastrophic injury lawyers at Gallagher & Kennedy can help. We also accept lawyer referrals from other attorneys whose clients are dealing with complex brain injury cases.

We can assist you in holding all at-fault parties legally and financially accountable for their actions. Contact us today at (602) 530-8400 to request a free brain injury consultation.

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Why You Should Choose Our Phoenix Brain Injury Lawyers

Gallagher & Kennedy has served the Phoenix area and all of Arizona since 1978. Our attorneys have more than 210 years of combined legal experience, and we have won awards and received honors for our remarkable professionalism and unmatched client service. As evidence of our commitment to our clients, consider the following:

  • Our approach to personal injury law begins and ends with you. Our Phoenix brain injury attorneys will listen carefully to your story and tailor a legal strategy to accomplish your specific goals.
  • We have obtained hundreds of millions of dollars for past clients, including many catastrophic brain injury cases.
  • Our law firm does not charge a cent in attorney or legal fees if we do not obtain a settlement or an award for damages in your case.

You can rely on us to take an active interest in your case and arm you with the information you need to make the most informed decisions. We are dedicated to helping you get the full and fair compensation you need to cover all your injuries and losses, and we are ready to take your case to trial, if necessary, and fight for the justice you deserve.

If you suffered a traumatic brain injury caused by someone else's negligence, call Gallagher & Kennedy today at (602) 530-8400 or contact us online to request a free brain injury consultation from one of our experienced brain injury lawyers.

When You Should Call a Brain Injury Attorney in Arizona

It is extremely important to protect your rights if you are in an accident where you suffer any type of brain injury. Even a minor injury to the brain could impact all aspects of your life, both personally and professionally. Living with brain injury may require significant changes for you and your loved ones.

For example, a brain injury may require you to undergo expensive surgeries or temporary rehabilitation therapies. You may have to stay home from work and miss out on earning opportunities. A brain injury may also result in a permanent disability.

The physical pain and mental anguish you may suffer are also worth conversing with an injury attorney. You may be eligible to collect compensation for the parties who caused your brain injury for not only your current medical expenses and financial losses, but any future economic hardships your injury will cause.

When Your Family Member Suffers a Brain Injury

When a loved one suffers a brain injury in an accident, it can significantly impact not only their life but yours also. You may need to transport them to medical appointments and therapy, handle their personal and financial affairs, and even provide them with full-time care. At the same time, you may be suffering from the loss of your previous life that you enjoyed with your loved one.

Your family could be eligible to recover compensation from the parties responsible for causing your family member a brain injury. A Phoenix brain injury lawyer can help you seek restitution from the at-fault parties for your relative's injury, whether the defendant is a drunk driver or an incompetent anesthesiologist.

When Your Client Sustains a Catastrophic TBI

The brain is a delicate and complex organ. When victims sustain brain injuries, they can suffer from many different symptoms, ranging from memory loss to motor function challenges to personality changes. Catastrophic injury cases involving brain injuries can be complicated and require the extensive use of medical experts.

Some brain injury patients fully recover over time, while others sustain permanent damage and require lifelong medical care. The necessary medical treatments and care are costly. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that the average annual cost of treating brain injuries in the United States is more than $40.6 billion.

When your client suffers a brain injury in an accident, we are here to help. We gladly accept referrals from other lawyers whose clients find themselves in this devastating situation. Contact our office today to see how we can assist your client.

What You Should Know About Head and Brain Injuries

Any injury to the scalp or skull is a head injury. Any head injury that affects the brain is classified as a brain injury, whether there are external or only internal injuries to the brain. No two brain injury victims are the same because no two injuries are identical.

Open Head Injury vs. Closed Head Injury

Medical professionals classify head injuries as either open or closed. Open head injuries involved skull fractures or penetrating injuries to the skull. Closed head injuries are those where the skull remains intact. The brain can smash into the insides of the skull after a sudden impact, causing serious damage.

Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) comes from external forces. Common causes of traumatic brain injuries include car accidents, sports impacts, violent crimes, and falls.

Acquired Brain Injuries

An acquired brain injury (ABI) happens internally. Common causes of ABIs are suffocation, drowning, birth injuries, and anesthesia mistakes.


One of the most common types of brain injuries is a concussion. Concussions typically go away on their own, as long as the patient does not sustain a second concussion while the first is still healing.

Brain Hemorrhage

Hemorrhage is uncontrollable bleeding in the brain or the space surrounding the brain. Bleeding in the brain can cause pressure to build inside the skull, or the bleeding itself can damage brain tissue, affecting normal brain function.

Brain Swelling

Swelling of the brain causes the brain to press against the inside of the skull. Injuries that cause swelling to the brain are more serious than those that cause swelling to its surrounding tissues.

Diffuse Axonal Injury

This type of injury damages the brain's cells without causing bleeding. It can cause permanent brain cell death and brain damage. Brain swelling may accompany a diffuse axonal injury.

Brain Injury Symptoms

Since your brain controls virtually every aspect of your body, you can suffer a wide range of symptoms following a brain injury. Some of the most common include:

  • Headaches
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Memory loss
  • Blurry vision or other vision issues
  • Other sensory problems, including hearing, smell, touch, and taste
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sleeping problems

In some cases, victims can experience seizures or unconsciousness. Brain injuries can also cause abrupt changes in a person's mood or personality. In severe cases, brain injuries can cause a victim to fall into a coma or die.

Also, some brain injuries do not manifest symptoms right away. You may feel all right after the accident but notice symptoms hours, days, or sometimes weeks, later. 

You should always have any head injury examined immediately after the accident, and your doctor should order tests to determine whether you suffered a traumatic brain injury, such as MRIs, CT scans, or PET scans. 

If someone else caused your brain injury due to their negligence or careless actions, you should also consult an experienced brain injury lawyer as soon as possible to find out your options for obtaining compensation.

Ask a Phoenix Brain Injury Attorney About Your TBI Lawsuit Today

Bob Boatman Personal Injury Attorney
Robert W. Boatman,  Phoenix Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

If a negligent or reckless party caused you or a loved one's brain injury in Arizona, you may have grounds for a civil claim for damages. A successful brain injury claim may result in payment for:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Physical or occupational therapy
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Lost wages 
  • Wrongful death

Gallagher & Kennedy's brain injury attorneys have the experience and knowledge to build a strong case on your behalf. Our lawyers have successfully handled many brain injury cases throughout Phoenix and Arizona, and we will fight hard to help you get the maximum financial recovery possible so you can focus on your physical recovery.

Speak to a Phoenix personal injury lawyer today about your brain injury claim during a free consultation. Call Gallagher & Kennedy at (602) 530-8400 or contact us online to request legal advice from a local brain injury attorney who has your best interests at heart. 

Contact us for a free consultation