How Can a Lawyer Help After an Airbag Deployment Concussion?

Posted on September 13, 2024 in Air Bags

Getting hurt in a car crash is scary. When your airbag goes off and hits your head, it can leave you confused and worried. You might have a concussion from the airbag, which is a type of brain injury. This is when you need help from someone who knows about car accidents and injuries. A Phoenix car accident lawyer can be a big help after you get a concussion from an airbag.

What Happens in an Airbag Deployment

Airbags pop out very fast when cars crash to keep people from hitting the steering wheel or dashboard. They open up in less than a second! While airbags save lives, they can also cause injuries because they come out so quickly.

The force of an airbag can be like getting punched in the face. It might give you bruises, cuts, or even break your nose. Sometimes, the impact can make your brain move around inside your skull. This can lead to a concussion.

Signs of a Concussion After an Airbag Hits You

After an airbag hits your head, you might not feel right. Here are some things you might notice:

  • Your head hurts a lot
  • You feel dizzy or off-balance
  • The lights seem too bright
  • Noises sound too loud
  • You feel sick to your stomach
  • It’s hard to think clearly
  • You feel very tired
  • Your vision is blurry
  • You forget things easily

If you have any of these problems after a car crash where the airbag went off, you might have a concussion. It’s really important to see a doctor right away.

Getting Medical Help for Your Concussion

Medical HelpAfter a car crash, the first thing to do is get checked by a doctor. This is extra important if you hit your head or the airbag hit you. Even if you feel okay at first, problems from a concussion can show up later.

A doctor will look at how you’re acting and ask you questions. They might do some tests to see how your brain is working. Sometimes, they use special scans to look at your brain. The doctor can tell if you have a concussion and how bad it is.

Following the doctor’s orders is very important. They might tell you to rest and avoid certain activities. You may need to take time off work or school. Getting enough rest helps your brain heal.

Why You Should Talk to a Car Accident Lawyer

After seeing a doctor, talking to a car accident attorney is a good idea. They know a lot about what happens after crashes. An attorney can support you in many ways when you have a concussion from an airbag.

Car accident lawyers understand how insurance works. They know what your rights are. They can talk to the insurance companies for you. This lets you focus on improving instead of worrying about money and paperwork.

A good car accident attorney will listen to what happened to you. They’ll ask about your injuries and how the crash has changed your life. Then, they can tell you what your options are. They’ll explain things in a way that’s easy to understand.

How a Car Accident Attorney Helps with Your Case

When you hire a car accident lawyer, they do a lot of work for you. Here are some ways they can help:

Gathering Evidence

A car accident attorney knows the proof needed to show what happened in the crash. They’ll get police reports and witness statements. They might hire experts to examine how the crash happened, which can show who was at fault.

The lawyer will also obtain all your medical records, which show how badly you were hurt. If you need more treatment later, the lawyer will also ensure that it is included.

Dealing with Insurance Companies

Insurance companies often try to pay as little as they can. A car accident lawyer knows how to talk to them. They can argue for you to get the money you deserve. This includes money for your medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering.

The lawyer handles all the calls and paperwork with the insurance company. This takes a lot of stress off you. You don’t have to worry about saying something wrong or missing important deadlines.

Figuring Out All Your Losses

A concussion can affect your life in many ways. You might miss work or need help around the house. You can have trouble doing things you enjoy. A car accident attorney helps add up all these losses.

They look at your medical bills, how much work you’ve missed, and how the injury has changed your daily life. They use this to figure out how much money you should get.

Explaining Your Rights

Laws about car accidents can be confusing. A car accident lawyer explains your rights in a way you can understand. They tell you what you’re entitled to under the law. This helps you make good choices about your case.

The attorney also makes sure you don’t miss any important deadlines. There are time limits for filing claims after a car crash. Your attorney keeps track of these for you.

Fighting for Fair Treatment

Sometimes, the person who caused the crash or their insurance company won’t take responsibility. They might try to say the crash wasn’t their fault. Or they might say your injuries aren’t as bad as they are.

A car accident lawyer stands up for you. They use the evidence they’ve gathered to show what happened. They fight to ensure you receive fair treatment and the support you need.

Understanding Concussions from Airbags

Concussions from airbags can be tricky. Sometimes, the symptoms don’t show up right away. You might feel fine initially but start having problems days or weeks later.

A car accident lawyer who knows about these injuries can help. They understand that concussions can have long-lasting effects. They ensure your claim includes all your symptoms, even ones that appear later.

The lawyer can also explain how a concussion might affect your future. You might need ongoing medical care or therapy. You can have trouble at work or school. The lawyer considers all of this when working on your case.

Proving the Other Driver Was At Fault

Car CrashIn most cases, airbags only go off when there’s a big crash. This usually means someone did something wrong. Maybe they were texting while driving or ran a red light. A car accident attorney works to prove who caused the crash.

The lawyer looks at all the evidence. This might include skid marks on the road, damage to the cars, and what witnesses saw. They might use professionals who can figure out exactly how the crash happened. This helps show that the other driver should be responsible for your injuries.

Dealing with Serious Concussion Effects

Sometimes, a concussion from an airbag can cause big problems. You might have trouble remembering things or concentrating. You can get bad headaches that don’t go away. Some people have mood changes or trouble sleeping.

A car accident lawyer understands how serious these effects can be. They work to get you money not just for your medical bills but for how the injury has changed your life. This can include money for ongoing therapy, help at home, or lost future income if you can’t work like you used to.

Handling Talks with the Other Side

Your car accident lawyer talks with the other driver’s lawyer and insurance company. This is helpful when you’re dealing with a concussion. You don’t have to worry about saying the right things or remembering all the details.

The lawyer knows how to negotiate. They start by asking for more than they expect to get. Then, they work with the other side to reach a fair agreement. The lawyer can take your case to court if the other side is unfair.

Going to Court If Needed

Most car accident cases get settled without going to court. But sometimes, a trial is necessary. If this happens, your car accident lawyer will be ready.

They’ll prepare all the paperwork and evidence needed for court. They’ll explain to the judge or jury what happened and why you deserve compensation. Having a lawyer who knows how courts work can make a big difference in the outcome of your case.

Getting Money for Your Injuries

The main goal of hiring a car accident lawyer is to recover damages to support you after your injury. This money can cover a lot of things:

  • Medical bills for treating your concussion
  • Lost income if you cannot work
  • Future medical care you might need
  • Pain and suffering you’ve gone through
  • Changes to your home if your injury requires them
  • Help with daily tasks if you can’t do them yourself

A good car accident lawyer works to get you as much money as possible for all of these things.

Understanding the Value of Your Case

Knowing how much money you should get after a car crash is hard. Insurance companies might offer a quick settlement, but it’s often insufficient. A car accident lawyer can tell you if an offer is fair.

The lawyer looks at cases like yours to see their worth. They consider how bad your injuries are and how they affect your life. Then, they can give you a good idea of your case’s worth.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

There are lots of things you shouldn’t do after a car crash. You shouldn’t talk about the crash on social media. You shouldn’t give a recorded statement to the other driver’s insurance company. You shouldn’t accept a quick settlement offer without talking to a lawyer first.

A car accident lawyer warns you about these mistakes. They tell you what to do and what not to do to protect your case. This guidance can be really valuable when you’re dealing with a concussion and might not be thinking clearly.

Getting Help with Paperwork

After a car crash, there’s a lot of paperwork. You have to fill out insurance forms, medical release forms, and maybe court documents. This can be overwhelming, especially when you’re not feeling well.

A car accident lawyer handles all this paperwork for you. They make sure everything is filled out correctly and turned in on time. This takes a big weight off your shoulders and lets you focus on improving.

Understanding Medical Terms

traumatic brain injuryDoctors use a lot of big words when talking about concussions. They might mention things like “post-concussion syndrome” or “traumatic brain injury.” It can be hard to understand what all this means.

Your car accident lawyer can explain these terms to you. They work with doctors to understand your injury. Then, they can tell you what it means in simple words. This helps you make good decisions about your medical care and your case.

Dealing with Long-Term Effects

Some people have problems from a concussion for a long time. You might have headaches that don’t go away. You can have trouble sleeping or feel depressed. These long-term effects can make it hard to work or enjoy life.

A car accident lawyer makes sure your case includes these long-term effects. They might work with doctors to show how the concussion will affect you in the future. This can ensure you get more money to cover future problems.

Getting Help Faster

When you hire a car accident lawyer, things often move faster. The lawyer knows what actions to take and when to take them. They can push the insurance company to respond quickly. This can ensure you get the money you need sooner.

The lawyer also knows how to avoid delays in your case. They handle all the paperwork correctly the first time. They follow up with insurance companies and doctors to get information quickly. All of this helps your case move along faster.

Making Sure You Don’t Settle Too Soon

Insurance companies often try to get you to settle quickly. They might immediately offer you money before you know how bad your injuries are. This can be tempting, especially if you’re worried about bills.

A car accident lawyer protects you from settling too soon. They ensure you understand your injuries’ full extent before agreeing to anything. This way, you don’t miss out on money you might need later.

Getting Back to Your Life

Hiring a car accident lawyer aims to get your life back on track. They work to get you the money you need to pay your bills and get the right medical care. But they also fight for money to make up for how your life has changed.

A good settlement or court award allows you to move forward after your injury. It can pay for therapy to help with the lasting effects of your concussion. It can cover lost income if you need time off work. It can even enable you to explore new activities if you can’t enjoy the ones you used to.

Call a Car Accident Lawyer Today

Bob Boatman Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Robert Boatman, Phoenix Car Accident Lawyer

If you’ve had a concussion from an airbag in a car crash, don’t wait to get help. A car accident lawyer can start working on your case right away. The sooner you call, the more they can do for you.

Remember, talking to a lawyer doesn’t mean you must sue anyone. It just means you’re getting good advice about your options. Many car accident lawyers offer free first meetings. They can tell you if they think you have a case and what your next steps should be.

Don’t try to handle everything on your own when you’re dealing with a concussion. A car accident lawyer can take much stress off your shoulders. They’ll fight for your rights and work to get you the money you deserve. Call a Phoenix personal injury lawyer today to find out how they can support you after your airbag deployment concussion.

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