Many important legal documents require notarization as a way of making sure that the document is actually signed by the person who is supposed to sign it, and to prove the signature is real in the event it is later challenged. Normally this means that a document has to be signed in front of a Notary Public, who checks the signer's photo identification, makes a record in his or her notary book and applies the notary seal to prove the document has been notarized.

Last year Arizona's legislature passed SB1030 that would allow, effective July 1, 2020, signers to verify their identity with a notary public using internet audio and video technology. This is called Remote Online Notarization.
In the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic, Governor Ducey signed Executive Order 2020-26 that implemented Remote Online Notarization effective Friday, April 10, 2020. This measure will allow businesses and individuals to get documents notarized via the internet instead of having to meet in person with a notary public.
Many settlement agreements for personal injury and wrongful death cases require notarized signatures. At Gallagher & Kennedy, we employ many notaries and are awaiting authorization from the Arizona Secretary of State to begin offering Remote Online Notarization. Should you have any questions about Remote Online Notarization, please call 602.530.8400 to have your questions answered by one of our Phoenix personal injury lawyers.