Gallagher & Kennedy’s Bob Boatman and Jeff Pyburn Johe Verdict Listed in Top 10 Civil Verdicts for 2019 in Arizona

June 1, 2020 | By Gallagher & Kennedy Injury Lawyers
Gallagher & Kennedy’s Bob Boatman and Jeff Pyburn Johe Verdict Listed in Top 10 Civil Verdicts for 2019 in Arizona

Arizona Attorney magazine recognized the $5,000,000 Johe verdict as one of the top 10 civil verdicts in 2019. The trial was in May, 2019 in Tucson, Arizona, where Bob and Jeff represented the mother of a 20-year-old man that died while detoxing at Sierra Tucson, a drug rehab facility . Sierra Tucson denied fault for her son’s death, and only offered $350,000 to settle the case. The jury returned a verdict for $5 million for Gallagher & Kennedy’s client.