Did You Get Into an Accident with a Texting Driver? Here’s What You Can Do

Posted on September 19, 2024 in Car Accidents

Getting into a car accident is scary and stressful. When the other driver was texting, things can be even more complicated. If you’ve been in this situation, you might feel angry, confused, and unsure about what to do next. Don’t worry, though. This guide will ensure you understand your options and the steps you can take. Remember, a Phoenix car accident lawyer can be a big help in these cases. They know the law and can guide you through the process.

What is Distracted Driving?

Before we dive into what you can do after an accident with a texting driver, let’s talk about distracted driving. Distracted driving is when a driver does something that takes their attention away from the road. This can be eating, talking to passengers, or fiddling with the radio. But one of the most dangerous forms of distracted driving is texting.

When someone texts while driving, they’re not just taking their eyes off the road for a second. They’re doing three dangerous things at once. First, they’re taking their eyes off the road to look at their phone. Second, they’re taking their hands off the wheel to type. And third, they’re taking their mind off driving to think about their message. This triple threat makes texting while driving super risky.

The Dangers of Texting While Driving

You might be wondering just how dangerous texting while driving is. The numbers are pretty scary. If you’re driving 55 miles per hour and look at your phone for just five seconds to read a text, you’ve traveled the length of a football field with your eyes closed. Imagine driving that far without looking at the road! It’s no wonder that texting while driving causes so many accidents.

Dealing with Insurance Companies

Dealing with Insurance CompaniesAfter the accident, you’ll need to deal with insurance companies. This can be tricky, especially when texting is involved. You should call your own insurance company right away to report the accident. Be honest about what happened, but stick to the facts. Don’t say anything that might make it sound like the accident was your fault.

The other driver’s insurance company might contact you, too. They might ask you to give a statement or sign some papers. Be careful here! It’s often best to talk to a car accident attorney before you say anything to the other driver’s insurance company. They might trick you into saying something that makes the accident seem your fault.

Remember, insurance companies are businesses. They want to pay out as little money as possible. They know all the tricks insurance companies use and will fight to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Proving the Other Driver Was Texting

One of the trickiest parts of these cases is proving that the other driver was texting. Unlike drunk driving, where a breathalyzer test can prove someone was under the influence, it’s not always easy to prove someone was texting.

There are a few ways to gather evidence, though. If witnesses saw the driver texting, their statements can be really helpful. Traffic cameras or dashcam footage might sometimes show the driver using their phone.

Sometimes, your car accident lawyer can get the driver’s phone records. These records can show if the driver was sending or receiving texts at the time of the accident. However, getting these records usually requires a court order, so having a lawyer is important.

Understanding Your Rights

Understanding your rights after a car accident with a texting driver is important. In most places, texting while driving is against the law. This means that if the other driver was texting, they were breaking the law. This can make your case stronger if you decide to seek compensation.

You have the right to seek compensation for things like medical bills, lost earnings if you had to miss work, and damage to your car. In some cases, you can seek compensation for pain and suffering. A car accident attorney can make you understand exactly what compensation you might be entitled to.

Remember, you also have the right to representation. You don’t have to handle all of this on your own. A car accident lawyer can guide you through the process, deal with insurance companies, and fight for your rights.

The Role of a Car Accident Attorney

We’ve mentioned car accident attorneys a few times now, but let’s discuss how they can help in these cases. A car accident lawyer helps people who have been in car accidents. They have a deep knowledge of traffic laws and extensive experience dealing with insurance companies.The Legal Process After an Accident

When you work with a car accident lawyer, they can support you in many ways. They can investigate the accident, gathering evidence to prove the other driver was texting. They can handle all communication with insurance companies, making sure you don’t say anything that can hurt your case. They can also calculate the full extent of your damages, ensuring you seek enough compensation to cover all your expenses and losses.

If your case goes to court, a car accident lawyer will represent you there, too. They can present your case to a judge or jury, arguing on your behalf and fighting for your rights. Even if your case doesn’t go to court, having a lawyer can often lead to a better settlement. Insurance companies know that lawyers understand the law and won’t accept lowball offers.

The Legal Process After an Accident with a Texting Driver

If you decide to seek compensation after an accident with a texting driver, you might be wondering what the legal process looks like. While every case is different, there are some common steps. Let’s walk through them together so you know what to expect. Remember, a car accident lawyer can guide you through this whole process.

Initial Consultation

The first step is usually meeting with a car accident lawyer. This is called an initial consultation. During this meeting, you’ll tell the lawyer about your accident. They’ll ask you questions and look at any evidence you have, like photos or the police report. The lawyer will then give you their opinion on your case and explain how they can help.


If you decide to work with a lawyer, they’ll start investigating your case more deeply. This might involve:

  • Talking to witnesses
  • Looking at traffic camera footage
  • Reviewing your medical records
  • Checking the other driver’s phone records (if possible)
  • Talking to professionals who can recreate the accident scene

The goal is to gather as much evidence as possible to demonstrate that the other driver was texting and that this distraction directly led to the accident. This evidence will be vital in establishing liability and supporting your case.

Demand Letter

Once your lawyer has gathered enough evidence, they’ll write something called a demand letter. They sent this formal letter to the other driver’s insurance company. The letter explains:

  • What happened in the accident
  • Why the other driver is at fault (in this case, because they were texting)
  • How badly you suffered an injury
  • How much money you’ve lost because of the accident (like medical bills and lost earnings)
  • How much money you’re asking for to make things right


After the insurance company gets the demand letter, they’ll respond. Usually, they’ll offer less money than you asked for. This is where the negotiation starts. Your lawyer will go back and forth with the insurance company, trying to agree on a fair amount of money for your case.

This part can take a while. Your lawyer might need to share more evidence or explain things differently to convince the insurance company to pay what you deserve. During this time, your lawyer will keep you updated and ask what you think about the offers.

Settlement or Lawsuit

Settlement or LawsuitIf your lawyer and the insurance company can agree on an amount, that’s called a settlement. You’ll get your money, and the case will be over. This is how most cases end.

But sometimes, the insurance company won’t offer a fair amount. If that happens, your lawyer might suggest filing a lawsuit. This means your case will go to court. But don’t worry – even if you file a lawsuit, you probably won’t have to go to trial. Many cases settle after filing a lawsuit but before the trial begins.


If you do file a lawsuit, the next step is called discovery. This is when both sides share information about the case. Your lawyer might ask the other driver questions in writing or person. They might also ask for more documents or evidence. The other side can do the same thing.

During discovery, your lawyer might consult various professionals who can provide necessary insights to support your case. For instance, they can speak with a medical professional who can detail the extent and impact of their injuries or an accident reconstructionist who can analyze the evidence to demonstrate how the accident occurred. These professionals can offer testimony that strengthens your case and helps to establish a clear connection between the other driver’s actions and the harm you suffered.


Before a trial, there’s often a step called mediation. This is a meeting where both sides try once more to settle the case. A neutral person called a mediator helps everyone talk and try to agree. Many cases settle during mediation.


If your case doesn’t settle, it will go to trial. Your lawyer will present all the evidence they’ve gathered at the trial. They’ll explain to a judge or jury why the other driver is at fault and why you deserve compensation. The other side will do the same thing, trying to show why they shouldn’t have to pay.

Trials can last a few days or even a few weeks. Ultimately, the judge or jury will decide who wins and how much money you should get.

After the Trial

Even after the trial, things might not be over. If you win, the other side might appeal, which means asking a higher court to look at the case again. If you lose, your lawyer might suggest appealing. Your lawyer will explain your options and guide you in deciding what to do.

Throughout this whole process, your car accident lawyer will be there to guide you, answer your questions, and fight for your rights. They’ll explain what’s happening in words you can understand and help make decisions about your case.

Remember, every case is different. Your case might not go through all these steps, or it might go through them in a different order. The most important thing is to have a good car accident attorney on your side who can guide you through whatever happens in your case.

Don’t be afraid to ask your lawyer questions during this process. They ensure you understand what’s going on and treat you fairly.

Contact a Car Accident Attorney Today

Bob Boatman

Robert Boatman, Phoenix Car Accident Lawyer

Accidents caused by texting drivers are part of a bigger problem of distracted driving. By taking action after your accident, whether working with a car accident lawyer or simply sharing your story, you’re helping raise awareness about this important issue. Every time someone chooses not to text and drive, they make the roads safer. Whenever someone, a texting driver, stands up for their rights, they send a message that this behavior is not okay.

In the end, your safety and well-being are the most important things. Prioritize your health and take the necessary steps to ensure you receive proper medical care and emotional support. Know your rights and stay informed about your legal options. Don’t hesitate to seek the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses. With the right support, guidance, and information, you can navigate this challenging time and work towards a resolution that helps you move forward.

Remember, if you’ve been in an accident with a texting driver, you’re not alone. There are people and resources available to support you. A Phoenix personal injury lawyer can be a powerful ally, guiding you through the process and fighting for your rights. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help.