
The Garmin “Autoland” System

Posted on February 10, 2020 in Aviation

Garmin is a company that makes avionics for airplanes. The company recently introduced an emergency one-button “Autoland” system on certain airplanes. When pushed, the system takes over and engages the autopilot, announces an emergency on the radio, evaluates weather and terrain and then flies the plane to the nearest suitable airport where it not only…

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Loss of control in-flight (LOC-I)

Posted on February 9, 2020 in Aviation

A pilot’s primary responsibility is to avoid a loss of control (LOC) of the aircraft. Loss of control in-flight (LOC-I) is a leading cause of fatal general aviation accidents in the U.S. and commercial aviation worldwide. The FAA defines LOC-I as a significant deviation of an aircraft from the intended flightpath. This often results from…

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What are IMC Conditions?

Posted on February 6, 2020 in Aviation

There have been a lot of questions about helicopters flying in clouds and fog. A term used frequently by pilots, and recently by the media, is IMC conditions. IMC stands for Instrument Meteorological Conditions. When Visual Flight Rules (VFR) flight suddenly enters into IMC, the likelihood of a catastrophic outcome increases dramatically. One reason can…

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3,128 Lives Lost in AZ Hospitals From Avoidable Medical Errors

Posted on February 4, 2020 in Personal Injury

Physicians, surgeons and other health care providers owe a duty of care to their patients. They must obey the rules and standards of the medical industry to look out for the best interests of their patients. Unfortunately, thousands of hospitals and medical providers breach this duty to engage in acts of malpractice that ultimately harm…

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2019 Walk to End Alzheimers

Posted on December 13, 2019 in Firm News

Gallagher & Kennedy raised $132,915.22 and was Arizona’s Top Team and ranked 2nd in the Nation!  The Gallagher & Kennedy team cut the ribbon of the walk. See the scoreboard here. The 2019 fundraising result landed Matt at #1 position in the top-tier “Elite Grand Champions Club” to help advance Alzheimer’s care, support, and research.

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What to Do If You Are Injured in a Car Accident

Posted on November 12, 2019 in Car Accidents

Many times I get calls or message from friends or friends of friends who know I am an injury lawyer asking what they should do after they have been injured in a car crash.  And it is smart for them to ask!  Fortunately most people are only very rarely injured in a car accident, but…

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