
Protecting Loved Ones from Nursing Home Assault

Posted on April 24, 2020 in Personal Injury

When our loved ones reach the age where they can no longer live independently, we trust that the facilities which care for the elderly will provide our family members with a safe, nurturing, comfortable environment for them to live out the rest of their days.  Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, skilled nursing facilities, and other…

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Electrical Fires During Flight

Posted on April 21, 2020 in Aviation

Electrical fires during a flight are often detected by the smell insulation burning. When such a fire occurs the pilot must check all the circuit breakers, flight instruments and lights to find the source. If the source cannot be found and fixed, the battery master and alternator/generator switches may have to be turned off, even…

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In-flight Engine Fires

Posted on April 15, 2020 in Aviation

An airplane or helicopter engine fire is most often caused by a flammable substance such as fuel, oil, or hydraulic fluid coming in contact with a hot surface. This situation can be caused by a mechanical failure of the engine, a defective exhaust system, or a broken line. Engine fires may also result from maintenance…

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Injuries Affect the Entire Family

Posted on April 14, 2020 in Personal Injury

When a loved one is injured, the whole family suffers.  The spouse is no longer able to help as much, or even at all, with children, the yard, chores and all of the activities of everyday life. Even worse, the family loses many of the things that matter most in life – the ability to…

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Seatback Failure: What you need to know

Posted on April 14, 2020 in Car Accidents,Personal Injury

Auto manufacturers are required to design and test vehicles and their component parts to make sure that they are “crashworthy.”  It is known that vehicles will crash, and responsible automakers must anticipate certain crash conditions and make sure that their vehicles are safe when they crash. People are often killed or catastrophically injured when they…

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Auto Product Defects: Car Companies can be Responsible When Your Vehicle does not Protect you in a Crash.

Posted on April 13, 2020 in Car Accidents

Auto manufacturers are required to design and test vehicles and their component parts to ensure that they are “crashworthy.”  It is known that vehicles will crash, and responsible automakers must anticipate certain crash conditions and make sure that their vehicles are safe when they crash. There are many things that can go wrong in a…

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Hiring an Attorney: The Need for Speed

Posted on April 9, 2020 in Personal Injury

You were just in an accident.  You’re injured, have no car and can’t work.  You are trying to get medical care, replace your car, and make ends meet.  You don’t have time to find an attorney or figure out who to hire.  But you need to.  And NOW. Why? Get Accident Videos. More and more…

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Emergency Descents

Posted on April 8, 2020 in Aviation

An emergency descent occurs when the pilot makes the aircraft descend as rapidly as possible. The need for this maneuver could be an onboard fire, a sudden loss of cabin pressure, or any other situation demanding an immediate and rapid descent. Although an emergency, a pilot should not descend beyond the structural limits of the…

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How does COVID-19 affect your claim?

Posted on April 2, 2020 in COVID-19

With the global coronavirus pandemic, many business have ceased work.  Under Governor Ducey’s order, lawyers and legal services are considered “essential” and we continue to work on your case.  While many courts have gone to telephonic hearings and videoconferencing, they remain open (sometimes via remote sources such as secure DropBox links) for filing.   For cases already…

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Nursing Homes and Covid-19

Posted on April 2, 2020 in COVID-19

As the coronavirus pandemic impacts the entire nation, the elderly and infirm are especially at risk. The facilities that take care of our loved ones must be even more vigilant than before. Some are stepping up and adopting measures to reduce the risk of exposure to their patients Others, unfortunately, are not. If you have…

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Kevin Neal: Taking it to the Limit

Posted on April 2, 2020 in Firm News

Shareholder Kevin Neal was featured in the Attorney at Law Magazine.  After more than 30 years representing clients in the areas of wrongful death and personal injury with an emphasis on aviation crashes, medical malpractice and product liability, Kevin’s zest for life, adventure and giving back have never been greater.  

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Should I Notify My Insurance Company of the Auto Accident?

Posted on April 2, 2020 in Car Accidents

In Arizona, every driver lawfully must have car insurance. Car insurance is what guarantees a driver’s financial responsibility. It enables drivers to pay for the damages they cause in auto accidents. After you get into an accident, one of your duties as a driver may be to call your insurance provider and report the wreck….

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