Auto Product Defects: Car Companies can be Responsible When Your Vehicle does not Protect you in a Crash.

April 13, 2020 | By Gallagher & Kennedy Injury Lawyers
Auto Product Defects: Car Companies can be Responsible When Your Vehicle does not Protect you in a Crash.
Phoenix product liability lawyers

Auto manufacturers are required to design and test vehicles and their component parts to ensure that they are “crashworthy.”  It is known that vehicles will crash, and responsible automakers must anticipate certain crash conditions and make sure that their vehicles are safe when they crash.

There are many things that can go wrong in a crash.  Vehicles cannot make everyone safe in every crash. But when automakers cut corners or ignore safety problems, they can be liable if those decisions result in automobile defect.

At Gallagher & Kennedy, our Phoenix product liability lawyers are some of the most well-respected and successful in the country at litigating product liability cases against auto companies.  They have the skill and resources to go toe-to-toe with the big companies and will not be outworked.

We have handled virtually every type of auto product liability claim made in the last two decades including:

  • Tread separations and other tire failures
  • Rollover and roof crush
  • Unwanted acceleration
  • Seatback failure
  • Headrest failure
  • Airbag failure
  • Fuel tank failure or puncture
  • Transmission failures including park-to-reverse malfunctions

When a vehicle or its system does not perform as an ordinary consumer would expect, it might be defective.  Our work for our clients has resulted in several product recalls and design changes, government investigations of dangerous products and even legislation requiring industry-wide safety changes.  We are very proud of our clients for bringing these fights that help make the world a safer place.

Contact us at 602.530.8400 if you would like a free consultation on a potential auto product liability case.