Aggressive Driving Leading To Wrongful Death Accidents
Wrongful Death & the Dangers Aggressive Drivers Pose on the Roadways
Wrongful death is something all drivers fear. We’ve all been there – you’re driving on the highway and all of a sudden, a car comes speeding by, cuts people off as it weaves between lanes, and you think to yourself, “That person is going to cause a serious accident.”
Unfortunately, aggressive drivers can cause accidents, and you might even end up being the victim. Learn more about what risks these aggressive drivers can cause on the roadways.
What Is Aggressive Driving?
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines aggressive driving as “a combination of moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property.”
Some common examples of aggressive driving behaviors include:
- Speeding
- Tailgating
- Racing
- Cutting off other drivers
- Failing to obey signs and regulations
- Seeking confrontations with other drivers
How Prevalent Is Aggressive Driving?
Unfortunately, aggressive driving can be very common on the roadways. Just think about how often you witness someone speeding, cutting off drivers, or tailgating. Probably each time you drive your vehicle, right?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Auto Vantage, aggressive driving can lead to serious consequences on the roadways:
- 66% of traffic fatalities are caused by aggressive driving.
- 37% of aggressive driving incidents involve a firearm.
- Males under the age of 19 are the most likely to exhibit road rage.
- Half of the drivers who are victims of aggressive driving admit to responding with aggressive behaviors of their own.
How to Avoid Aggressive Drivers & Prevent Wrongful Death
Because there are so many aggressive drivers on the roadways, it can be difficult to avoid all of them. However, if you notice a driver displaying aggressive behaviors, there are some tips you can follow to try to protect yourself:
- If you’re in the left lane and someone is trying to aggressively pass you, move over to a right lane and let them pass.
- If you notice a driver speeding, give them space, and try to stay clear of them. They are at risk of losing control of their vehicle.
- If you are being tailgated, try to safely steer your vehicle out of the way to get away from the aggressive driver.
- Call the police if you notice someone displaying risky and aggressive driving behaviors. This will not only protect you and those in your vehicle, but also others on the roadways, and possibly even pedestrians and bicyclists.
If you are injured in an accident or suffer the wrongful death of a loved one caused by an aggressive driver, you can file a lawsuit against them. One of our experienced attorneys will walk you through the process and ensure that your right to compensation is pursued.
The key is being able to hold them liable for your injuries or wrongful death. To do this, you will need to prove they were participating in aggressive driving behaviors. It’s essential to work with a personal injury attorney to build your case and gather the appropriate evidence to prove the driver is responsible for your injuries.
Legal Action You Can Take Against Aggressive Drivers for Wrongful Death
If you are in an accident caused by an aggressive driver, contact the attorneys at Gallagher & Kennedy at 602-530-8400. We have successfully represented injured victims after passenger vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle, commercial truck, pedestrian and Uber/Lyft accidents.
Whether you suffered life-changing injuries or a loved one lost his or her life in a recent vehicle collision, contact our Arizona law firm for a free case review near you. We care about our clients and are committed to using our skills, work ethic and resources to help you or your family obtain compensation and justice.
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Anna Walp
Marketing Manager
Tel: (602) 530-8019